INSPIRE Lab Imaging- and Neuro-computations for Precision Informatics Research


Brain Spatiotemporal Dynamic Analysis Software

QPPLab Quasi-periodic patterns (Xu et al., SoftwareX, 2025)

A generally applicable and user friendly toolbox for analyzing QPPs.

p-Corr Prediction Correlation (Xu et al., Front. Neurosci., 2017)

Matlab toolbox for estimating the strength and duration of the information flow.

fMRI Brain Data (pre-)Processing Toolbox

Rodent Brain fMRI Preprocessing
Rodent Brain fMRI Preprocessing Featured at the OHBM 2024 Annual Meeting (Xu et al., Aperture, 2023)

A generally applicable whole-brain preprocessing toolbox for mice and rats.

Human Partial Brain fMRI Preprocessing
Human Partial Brain fMRI Preprocessing used in (Xu et al., Imaging Neurosci., 2023)

A software pipeline for processing EPI data of partially covered human brain

Scientific Computing Tools

Real Polyhedral Basis Functions
Real Polyhedral Basis Functions (Xu & Doerschuk, SISC, 2021)

Software and numerical results for computing real-valued polyhedral basis functions.